Job Application Form 1. Position Applying for: IT Staff Maintenance Staff Homeroom Teachers Registrar HR/Office Secretary Elementary Chaplain Receptionist Substitute Teachers Administrative Secretary Campus Supervisor Cafeteria Head Cook On-Call Substitutes Cashier 2. Email 3. First Name (As appeared on passport) Last Name (As appeared on passport) 4. Mobile Number 5. Birthdate 6. Religion Seventh-day Adventist Buddhism Hinduism Other Other Religion, Please spicify 7. Nationality 8. Passport Number/ Thai ID 9. International Standardized Test TOEIC TOEFL IELTS None Score 10. Degree 11. Do you currently hold a teaching license? Home country teaching license 5 year Thai teaching license 2-year temporary license None CV/Resume; Authenticated Diploma; Authenticated Transcript; Passport, T (Multiple files upload; PDF only) 12. I've attached the following documents: Updated cv/resume Diploma Transcripts Passport TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS Confirmation I honestly certify that all information supplied is correct and true. Send