Week of Prayer and Fasting
By: Evangeline Tan-Alvez
Five of the most influential biblical heroes were echoed during the Ekamai International School Faculty and Staff Week of Prayer and Fasting through a series of devotional messages from Pastor John Alexis Mercado, Assistant Manager of Center for Digital Evangelism, Adventist World Radio, Southern Asia Pacific Division. The character, faith, influence, and ministry of Joseph, Joshua, Daniel, David, and Job were the pillar of the five-day gathering held at the Milne Auditorium from September 5 to 9 and has called every EIS employee to a godly influence and a life of service.
“We should be an echo committed and entirely relying on God. We must have a continual light from and for God, just like Joseph had relied upon, received, and rested in God,” Pastor Mercado conveyed during the opening day.
We should arise, accept, and analyze how to influence and serve God and others like Joseph. We are to continually turn, talk, and thank God the way Daniel has modeled us. Even if we lack tools and training, transformation is still possible in Christ because God empowered David to win over a seasoned warrior; and to be reminded that life is a present that will pass; therefore, we ought to live a life of praise as seen in the life of Job,” Pastor Mercado elaborated.
“The five Cs of success which are cash, credit card, check, condominium, and a car, that this world defined paled in comparison to the one C that can give us true success – Christ. True success and character come when we are connected with Christ,” He continued.
“You are not here because you are skillful or intelligent; you are here because God brought you here. You are called to be an echo of God’s love and message of truth. You are called to stand and take up the responsibility, stand for the right even if you are the minority. Ultimately, God is calling you to stand up for Him. Be a consistent and committed echo for Christ,” Pastor Mercardo appealed to the teachers and staff.
Along with the morning devotional, teachers and staff also flocked to the prayer room during lunch for some reflections, meditation, and corporate prayer led by the Campus Ministry chaplains of all sections.